PinnedTwenty Years After the Classic Publication, A Practitioner’s title is — One Culture: Hybridized…Twenty Years After the Publication of Classic Paper by Leo Breiman, as a practitioner I take the position that there is only “One culture …May 26, 2022May 26, 2022
Pinned5/6/2022 — Coffee With Data Science — Select High Impact News- You Can Not Avoid Death, Taxes, and AI. You can embrace them and plan your life until FAIA comes on board! So, what is FAIA?May 6, 2022May 6, 2022
LIMITS of SQL — Indeed there is a Better, oh… Best Alternative!The SQL is not an analytics tool, though it will give great summary tabulations, and users of SQL would like to claim that they are doing…Apr 30, 2022Apr 30, 2022